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Oil & lubricant products for vehicles
Knowing which engine oils are right for different vehicles, keeping the right products stocked, and having confidence in the products you use can be time-consuming and complicated. All our car and commercial engine oils have been precision-crafted alongside workshops to make sure they're just what you need to get the job done right.
Passenger vehicles
You're challenged every day to keep vehicles running smoothly, helping people get back on the road without a hitch. You need the right engine oils that will get them on their way.
Our large range of high-quality lubricants are formulated for each OEM engine and trusted by workshops and suppliers nationwide.
Discover the right oils for passenger and commercials vehicles and feel confident every vehicle leaves your care in peak condition.

Commercial vehicles
Commercial vehicles often work in tough conditions, but that shouldn't have to slow them down. From long-haul journeys to city driving, to off-road work, we have high-quality solutions to meet all your maintenance and service needs and keep vehicles working hard.

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Or submit your query using the link below.
Alternatively you can call our technical helpdesk
+44 (0)1474 546 318
Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.30pm.
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Alternatively, call us on:
+44 (0)1474 564 311
Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 5:30pm
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You can contact us using our link below.
Altenatively call us on
+44 (0)1474 564 311 (General enquiries)
+44 (0)1474 546 318 (Technical enquiries)
Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.30pm.
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